Saturday, November 30, 2013

Operation Christmas Child

Hey everyone, how are you? I am here, still chilling out while enjoying my last few days of Thanksgiving Break :) I had 3 days off this week, from Wednesday through Friday. Well, actually I didn't go to school at Monday because I did special community service on that day. I also did another community service  Want to know what were that?

Yes, it's Operation Christmas Child! It is a christmas project that involves people from all across the United States of America. They sent boxes of christmas present which will be sent to kids in more than 100 countries.

At Monday, from 8.00-16.00, I helped to assist the gift boxes at College Park Baptist Church, Florence, SC. Yay I was happy to get "extra" weekend holiday because of that lol. It was freezing outside (23 degrees fahrenheit!) but however, the feeling of joy that I got from helping others keeps me warm throughout the day <3 My fellow exchange student friends and I loaded more than a thousand present boxes to big box, and more than 3 HUGE trucks were there to send the presents to Charlotte, NC so that the gifts can be processed furthermore before they are sent to other countries.

The boxes, trucks, and present boxes! :D

During Tuesday night, my double-placement sister and I were surprised to be given a chance to help the Operation Christmas Child again by our friends' host dad--this time, it was in Charlotte, NC!!! I was so excited and said yes right away. The following day, I went to the Operation Christmas Child headquarter office in Charlotte, NC with 3 other exchange students and Southside Baptist Church members. When we arrived there, there were like 15 other groups that helped this project too. I even saw someone from Ohio!

With the church members after doing the community service

One of the present boxes that I inspected :)

I chose to help inspecting the gifts in the boxes. If there were chocolate, liquid, scary items, and any other exclusions, I have to take it from the boxes and change it with some new toys. It was nice to be involved here, and I had a lot of fun while taking care of others.

After Wednesday, I enjoy the thanksgiving holiday by eating, eating, eating, and shopping. :D Being in Black Friday Shopping was a new experience that I will never, ever forget!

After Black Friday Shopping. Tired? not yet!  

How about you? Did you do something special during the thanksgiving break?

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Inspiration from Syrian School-clubs

The article about UNICEF-supported school clubs in the Syrian Arab Republic has inspired me to work with NGOs (non government organizations) to work together to provide the learning center for children who cannot afford education. Therefore, the education for them will be so much better and more organized than it is now. They will have appropriate classrooms, enough teachers, and condusive learning schedules. It also helped me realize that nothing is impossible--even in the conflict area like Syria, they can provide education as long as there is determination in action :)

 Terminal Hujan Community Photo Courtesy

Classroom activities at Terminal Hujan Community in my city : Bogor, Indonesia. The 6th grade students are seriously learning even though their studying place is not appropriate enough for them to study at. 

Terminal Hujan Community Photo Courtesy

Kindergarten classroom at Terminal Hujan Community.All the classes are conducted every Sunday, at 10.30 AM. High school students usually volunteer themselves to teach here. 

Have a great weekend!

Bew Hasyyati